We just got back from the cardiologist office. He is very pleased by Tate's recovery and says he looks and sounds great. We don't have to go back until 6 months for a check-up. He wants him to stay on the Propranolol until then but just as a precaution. He hasn't had an irregular rhythm since that one time so Dr. Best just thinks it was his heart adjusting to being messed with at surgery. He will check it again in 6 months and if everything looks good he can come off the medicine.
When Tate and I were talking about going to the doctor today he asked why he had to go and I told him that the Dr.'s wanted to make sure his fixed heart was working good and he said that it was because Jesus lived there. So sweet, I just kissed him. They make me laugh all the time.
I am very relieved and ready to get back to everyday life. Tate is doing really well. He went to choir last night at church and we are going to go back to school on Monday. He doesn't have school next Wednesday and Friday so that will give us more time until he goes back for good the first of December.
Trying to get ready for Seth's first birthday party. I can't believe he is almost one. I hope you guys don't mind getting your invites a little late. I'm trying the best I can to get everything done and to catch up with stuff we have missed.
Sorry for not posting sooner (Aunt Candy :)) but I wanted to have this information before I wrote anything. Will get some more pictures up of the boys and am going to try to include Seth more. Poor little honey, I feel as though I have neglected him. I'm sure he doesn't mind though as he gets much love at home. You can't help but love all over that boy.
I am actually starting to look forward to the holidays. Please continue to pray for Tate's healing and for the valve to last a very long time. I don't want to do that again any time soon.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Hey guys, we are finally home, thank you Lord. I was about to crawl out of my skin today waiting to go home. Tate is doing really well. He was up and playing yesterday. Everyone has said what an improvement 12 hours has been. The only thing we have to do is hook him up to an EKG machine tomorrow that he has to wear for 24 hours and to take his blood pressure medicine. We have a PCP appointment in one week and a cardio appointment in two weeks.
We are all glad to be here. Hopefully he will rest well. Both my boys have been pretty whiny since I have gotten home so pray for patience for me.
Thanks again for everyone's prayers and support. You have no idea how much we appreciate all you have done. THANK GOD IT IS OVER.
Love you all.
P.S. I will post a bunch of pictures tomorrow. I can't download to my computer so I have to go to my parents house.
We are all glad to be here. Hopefully he will rest well. Both my boys have been pretty whiny since I have gotten home so pray for patience for me.
Thanks again for everyone's prayers and support. You have no idea how much we appreciate all you have done. THANK GOD IT IS OVER.
Love you all.
P.S. I will post a bunch of pictures tomorrow. I can't download to my computer so I have to go to my parents house.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
We are just hanging out.
Well, Tate is doing really well right now so we are just hanging out waiting to see when we can go home. The night before last he had some irregular heart rhythms so they did an EKG. They don't know what caused them but say that it is normal after heart surgery for that to happen. The heart has gone through a lot and needs time to adjust back to normal. So they have put Tate on blood pressure medicine. I was very concerned since Tate has been relatively normal and I wish him not to have to take medicine to help his heart but the doctor said we will check it out again in two weeks from release and if it is better he can come off of it. So that is encouraging. His ECHO yesterday looked really good. Like I said we are just hanging out. Tate is in better spirits today. He is doing much better. He is still having difficulty getting up and walking around but we are working on it. He is smiling more and playing better. I just have to get the sucker up and out of bed more.
Tate is my hero. He is so stinkin' cute in is Hulk PJ's and he is such a trooper! - Amy May Teague
Continue to pray for Tate and his healing. Also please pray for the other families here. I cannot describe what some of this kids are going through. Even though this is hard on me and am so sad that Tate has to be here I feel truly blessed that he is doing well and am thinking that old cliche "It could always be worse".
Sorry no pictures but I'm down in the hospital computer lab and can't upload any right now. I have some good ones though so keep checking.
Tate is my hero. He is so stinkin' cute in is Hulk PJ's and he is such a trooper! - Amy May Teague
Continue to pray for Tate and his healing. Also please pray for the other families here. I cannot describe what some of this kids are going through. Even though this is hard on me and am so sad that Tate has to be here I feel truly blessed that he is doing well and am thinking that old cliche "It could always be worse".
Sorry no pictures but I'm down in the hospital computer lab and can't upload any right now. I have some good ones though so keep checking.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
We got a room!!!
Hey guys, today has been a busy day. Last night was very hard. Tate was having trouble going potty on his own, it hurt him since the Foley came out but he has gotten better today. I am keeping pull-ups on him and letting him go in them. That seems to help. He doesn't want to get out of bed very often. He has been walking (well really taking several steps) twice today. He seems to be doing very well and in much better spirits as am I. I even got him to smile today. He was playing with a fan that JP's work got him and that made him laugh. Thanks guys.
We are in room 8 in CVICU west for those of you who want to visit. He only has one IV and is only getting Tylenol with codeine. He has been such a trooper and I'm so very proud of him. I can't imagine what he thinks about all this. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Hopefully we will be home in a few days.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tate is doing well. He has gotten his chest tubes out, the IV in his foot and his Foley. That was traumatic having it all done at one time but he did very well. I have put him in his pj bottoms and his house slippers. They are letting his rest before he has to get up and walk. He has to walk 3 times today. It has been a very good time but we are extremely tired. Spending the night last night went really well (thanks to some sleeping aid) and my sister will be staying with me tonight. What an experience. We have talked to several families with kids here and are encouraged with their stories. Tate has fared a lot better than some but it still saddens me to know this will be a lifetime journey for him. I am so thankful for living in a time where modern medicine can do wonders but I'm also weary of what all this surgery could do to him. We will continue to praise God for our amazingly strong Tate and know that He will prove faithful. We love you all.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
He is out!
Tate's 2nd surgery

Hey guys, we are here at the hospital and Tate's surgery has just started. His surgeon called an ENT doctor in to look at Tate's lungs because he has had several bouts of pneumonia last winter and still has fluid in his right lung. So they put a scope in and found some infection and flushed it out. They also found a blood vessel putting pressure on his trachea. Tate's surgeon is going to try to move the vessel over so he will stop building up fluid and will be able to flush his lungs out on his own. Hopefully Tate won't be getting sick all the time.
They are going to be putting in a bicuspid valve. We don't know how long it will stay in so that will be unknown territory. Continue to pray for Tate, he will be in surgery for a few hours longer. Thanks for all your support and prayers. Here are some pictures from Tate's party last night and the video game his preschool class gave him and a picture of him and daddy this morning getting his blood pressure taken.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Pumpkin patch and Halloween
Well this week has been fun and exciting. On Monday we went with Tate's preschool to the pumpkin patch. There were pig races, a h
ayride, petting zoo and then the pumpkins. We had a great time but it was a little cold for me. Friday was Tate's Halloween party at school. He had a blast and came home with lots of goodies.

And of course we went out to the church fall fest and trick or treating. Seth won the costume contest for his age group. He was adorable, check out the pic. This was the first year Tate has gone trick or treating and after the first two houses when he realized that people were giving him candy he told me that he really liked Halloween. Imagine that.

Okay, on to tomorrow. We have to be at the hospital at 8:30. JP and I are taking Tate to McDonald's for breakfast. At the hospital he will have blood work done, x-rays, EKG and an ECHO. They will look him over really well and we will get to meet the surgeons and get a rundown of the procedure. Please pray that Tate is well enough to have the surgery done. He has allergies and hasn't been feeling all that great so I hope the surgery doesn't get postponed. My grandmother has flown down from Chicago to take care of Seth while we are at the hospital. I am so grateful for that, thanks Mama Martha, we love you.
Will post an update as soon as we know something tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed. Thanks for all your prayers and support.
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