Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tate is doing well. He has gotten his chest tubes out, the IV in his foot and his Foley. That was traumatic having it all done at one time but he did very well. I have put him in his pj bottoms and his house slippers. They are letting his rest before he has to get up and walk. He has to walk 3 times today. It has been a very good time but we are extremely tired. Spending the night last night went really well (thanks to some sleeping aid) and my sister will be staying with me tonight. What an experience. We have talked to several families with kids here and are encouraged with their stories. Tate has fared a lot better than some but it still saddens me to know this will be a lifetime journey for him. I am so thankful for living in a time where modern medicine can do wonders but I'm also weary of what all this surgery could do to him. We will continue to praise God for our amazingly strong Tate and know that He will prove faithful. We love you all.


Nani said...

He looks SOOO much better! We continue to lift him, you and JP up in our prayers. He will soon be back running and jumping. Love, Aunt Karen

LOVE YOU A GOOGLE... said...

Thanks for the update, Ashley. I will continue praying for you, JP and little Tate. You are so right about modern medicine. It is amazing what they can do and it is even more amazing how strong little bodies like Tate can be.


Mrs. McEntire said...

Please give Tate a BIG hug from the McEntires. We love you all dearly and will continue to pray for Tate's recovery as well as strength, wisdom, and peace for you and JP. We can't wait to see Tate up and running soon!!